Frequently asked questions

What payments do you take?
Checks, ACH, Paypal, American Express, Visa and Mastercard Multicard---Horizontal_3-card

What are your business hours?  8-5 Monday through Friday. 24 Hour Emergency On-Call Service. Rates are 1.5x outside of regular business hours and on holidays.

Do you provide emergency call-out services? Yes. Additionally, contract customers are guaranteed a 2-hour response time.

What areas do you serve? All of North Carolina and South Carolina

What is the usual lead time necessary to schedule jobs? Labor can usually be scheduled within five days (for non-emergencies).  The limiting factor is generally parts delivery. Most parts can be overnighted if necessary, however, some pumps carry lead time from four to 10 weeks.

What is the capacity of your crane trucks? 6,000 lbs.

Do you give Free Estimates? Yes.

Is there a mileage charge? Current Mileage charge is $1.10/mile (January 2019)

Do you provide a manifest/bill of lading for waste transported to disposal facilities? Not generally, but we can get one if necessary from the disposal company (septic services).

What are some of your current projects/clients?

  • Utilities, Inc.
  • Blue Granite Water Company (SC)
  • Carolina Water Service (NC)
  • City of York, SC
  • Edgefield County, SC
  • Richland County, SC
  • City of Archdale, NC
  • Lancaster County Water and Sewer (SC)
  • Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (NC)
  • Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority (NC)

How do I care for my Low Pressure Sewer System and Grinder Pump? Please see the information about Low Pressure Sewer Systems on our website.

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